Data Axle SalesGenie - SIC & NAICS Codes
There are multiple providers of SIC or NAICS information.
SIC: Standard Industry Classification
NAICS: North American Industry Classification System
We subscribe to Data Axle SalesGenie for our SIC/NAICS code needs. There are multiple uses for this information including creating contact/mailing lists, finding tenants in a building/or specific area and finding bulk tenants to overlay on a map.
To pull a list you will need a minimum of two pieces of information; your list of codes, or business names and the geographic area to search in.
Use these lookups to find your codes.
- Detailed description of codes provided by OSHA: Click Here
To search for a code:
- Number or Keyword search provided by OSHA: Click Here
- Number or Keyword search provided by US Census Bureau: Click Here
Geographic areas can be Zip Codes, Cities, Counties OR custom drawn areas as defined by you OR a distance from an address.
Advanced searches can include, Location Sales, Location SF, Number of Employees, Location Type (HQ, Branch, Subsidiary, Single Location), Year Established etc.