Regis - Demographic Reports
Regis is our current demographic provider for anywhere in the USA. Current estimates are for 2023 with projected numbers for 2028. Demographics are based on the latest US Census performed in 2020. Third party demographic providers take the Census data along with many other data sources and come up with estimates for the current year. They make their numbers available 6-9 months after the beginning of the year. Demographics are based on census blocks, basically every block has the same amount of people in it. Blocks change every census based on the movement of the population.
Many variables can be found inside of our demographics software. Some of the more familiar ones are Population, Households, Median Income. The information can get very detailed depending on what you are interested in. Reports start at 1 page and grow to 9 pages. Please be aware that reports tend to build on each other so it is not necessary to request all available reports each time. If you want the basics choose the Summary Profile. Middle of the road (default report), choose the Expanded Profile. If you want everything choose the Complete Profile. There are various other reports available to you as well.
You can run demographics several ways. Here are the most popular.
Standard Geography
1. Mile Radius (e.g. 1, 3, 5 miles)
2. Drive Times (e.g. 3, 5, 7 minutes)
3. Municipal Boundaries (zip code, city, county, MSA, state)
Custom Trade Area (TA)
1. Submit a hand drawn TA via request form (Print view, draw on, scan and attach).
2. Submit a screen shot of the trade area you have drawn out.
Please see the attached samples for more detail.